Guten Morgen FoundationBless the whole World!


Davido presented certificate

Teiman Wisdom Academy  awards two Students of  keeping sanitation

Finally finally, these two kids got awards for keeping  good sanitation in and outside the environment.... 

Therefore the administration of the above mentioned school dedicated these awards to these kids.... 

This is done to set an  example to all the youths in and outside the community in other to keep the nation clean.

Davido presented certificate

We would like to thank all donors who have helped us to put a smile on our children's faces.

A pair of shoes and socks were donated to Eric for the 2nd grade student. Now he can come to school properly dressed.

Help us continue to enchant our children with smiles.

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Wir möchten uns bei allen Spendern die uns dabei geholfen haben, ein Lächeln in die Gesichter unserer Kinder zu zaubern, recht herzlichst bedanken.

Ein paar Schuhe und Socken wurden Eric dem Schüler der 2. Klasse gespendet. Jetzt kann er ordentlich gekleidet zur Schule kommen. 

Helfen Sie uns weiterhin unseren Kindern mit einem Lächeln zu verzaubern.

Guten Morgen Foundation - donate- schoes 2

Kweku could not come to school because he had no shoes and socks to go to school. The Guten Morgen Foundation provided Kweku with shoes and socks so that he can come back to school and be with his classmates.

We appeal to your magnanimity to support us to help our future leaders with the little we are having in able to inculcate

Guten Morgen Foundation - donate - schoes

Kweku konnte nicht zur Schule kommen  da er keine Schuhe und Socken zum Schulbesuch hatte. Die Guten Morgen Stiftung hat Kweku  mit Schuhen und Socken versorgt, damit er  wieder zur Schule kommen kann und  mit seinen Klassenkameraden zusammen sein kann.

Wir appellieren an Ihren Großmut, uns zu unterstützen, unseren zukünftigen Führungskräften mit dem Wenigen zu helfen, was wir haben um ihnen Vertrauen zu vermitteln.

This boy is not haven't school shoes that is why he didn't come in school today.This is our student Kwaku. Can you see that the school shoes are no more good. So we donate the school shoes for some of our students. We need a lot of more shoes.

Thank you for Donate Teiman Wisdom Academy a door. 

Guten Morgen Foundation Rev. Minister Pastor Dunu Joseph

GMF donates door for Wisdom Academy

Guten Morgen Foundation - Door The hard Workers helped us

Guten Morgen Foundation - Door 1 to build this save door for our school

Teiman Wisdom Akademy is happy to get a donation for over 1000 book 

Guten Morgen Foundation - donates books

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